CROSSROADS Language Studio’s Newsletter February, 2023 plant milk

The past decade or so has seen a
rise in environmentally conscious
attitudes of young people, especially those from generation Z. Among many industries that have to adapt their goods and services to new audiences, the dairy industry is one that feels the wind of change. Dairy products consumption is slowly declining among teens and the mid-20`s, but most importantly, this social demographic chooses more sustainable and healthier alternatives, namely plant-derived milk products.
Non-dairy milk is, of course, not a new invention, as it has featured in many cultures and geographical regions, since the 13th century where cow’s milk was not easily accessible and where lactose intolerance was more prevalent.
Since plant-based milks have to compete with natural milk in order to be an attractive option, they need to draw in potential customers with specific attributes such as a milk-like taste and texture, nutritional value and, increasingly, a positive environmental impact from their production.
The traditional milk industry is fighting tooth-and-nail to maintain a hold of the market, but growing scientific evidence points to undeniable facts that regular consumption of dairy products leads to chronic diseases, lactose intolerance and certain cancers.
The latest plant milk products achieve consumer desired characteristics, such as a frothy, creamy texture and an attractive taste.
Depending on the type of plant used, these milks naturally contain many essential nutrients, similar to those found in natural milk, and offer a low-calorie, zero-cholesterol beverage.
The most popular non-dairy milk around the world is an oat-milk. It’s rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, while being low in fat and containing no cholesterol. Its popularity has grown year-on-year, globally.
The second most drunk plant-milk
in the world is an almond milk. It
contains more vitamin E and
calcium than cow’s milk,
it is low in fat and is
proven to reduce the
risk of heart disease.
Soy milk is also a very
popular offering. The protein
content is similar to dairy, but its production causes less than one third of the pollution cow-milk does. Soy is nutrient-rich and is nutritionally similar to low-fat cow’s milk, providing essential amino acids, protein, and a good balance of carbohydrates and fats.
Many of these milks tick the boxes of sustainability and have a low impact on the environment. In recent years, countries like Australia, with support from their governments, invest heavily in the industry, promoting healthier dairy milk alternatives, not only in the form of milk, but also cheeses and ice-creams. The current trends show that people are willing to make environmentally– friendly compromises, except when it comes to taste. And the future of plant-based products looks very optimistic, indeed.
Article by Marek
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