CROSSROADS Language Studio’s Newsletter July, 2023 Slimming


Trees and other plants gain bulk by drawing in carbon dioxide from
the surrounding atmosphere. With this in mind, would it be logical to
assume that if a living organism, such as one of us, expelled carbon
dioxide from their body, they would lose weight?
“The law of conservation of mass” states that “mass can neither be
created nor destroyed”. It follows that if we want to reduce our weight,
we must expel matter from our bodies. Some years ago a survey asked
health professionals how the body did this. Most answered, incorrectly,
that fat is “burnt” and converted to energy and heat. But in fact, over
90% of lost weight leaves the body as carbon dioxide expelled from the
lungs into the air. Either explanation, however, seems to imply that good
old “huffing and puffing” exercise is still a must if you want to slim down.
Trees and other plants gain bulk by drawing in carbon dioxide from the surrounding atmosphere. With this in mind, would it be logical to assume that if a living organism, such as one of us, expelled carbon dioxide from their body, they would lose weight?
“The law of conservation of mass” states that “mass can neither be created nor destroyed”. It follows that if we want to reduce our weight, we must expel matter from our bodies. Some years ago a survey asked health professionals how the body did this. Most answered, incorrectly, that fat is “burnt” and converted to energy and heat. But in fact, over 90% of lost weight leaves the body as carbon dioxide expelled from the lungs into the air. Either explanation, however, seems to imply that good old “huffing and puffing” exercise is still a must if you want to slim down.
This brings us to the other, complementary, method of losing weight, dieting, and the more extreme approach of fasting.
Angus Bartieri of Dundee, Scotland was 27 in 1965 when he checked in to a hospital, “grossly obese”. At the time he weighed 207kg!
His doctors recommended a short fast, perhaps hoping that if his stomach contracted, so would his appetite and his capacity to take in food. At the end of his schedules fast, Angus felt good, so he decided to continue fasting.
Angus’ doctors prescribed non-calorie fluids, yeast, electrolytes and vitamin/mineral supplements for him to take while he fasted. He took no solids for the 40 days limit recommended by his doctors, and then kept going!
When Angus finally decided he had reached his optimum weight, he fixed himself a breakfast of one boiled egg, a slice of bread with butter and a coffee. This he did after an amazing 382 days fasting without eating even a single grain of solid food! His perceived optimum weight after all this? – a fit and comely 82kg! He had shed 125kg! And what’s more, his doctors noticed no ill effects on his health after this mammoth fast.
He made the Guinness Book of Records, and still holds the record for the longest period a person has survived without eating.
It’s fair to note, however, that his record might possibly have been broken but for the fact that Guinness no longer recognizes records if the attempt involves danger to the participants. But don’t let this dissuade you. Go for the record, if you’re so inclined. Even if you only make it for a couple of days, it’ll do wonders for your health and your waistline….

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